mc_macros / macros helpers

mc_states.modules.mc_macros.autoinclude(reg, additional_includes=None)

Helper to autoload & (un)register services in a top file

mc_states.modules.mc_macros.construct_registry_configuration(name, defaults=None)

Helper to factorise registry mappings

mc_states.modules.mc_macros.filecache_fun(func, args=None, kwargs=None, registry='disk_cache', prefix=None, ttl=1)

Execute a function and store the result in a filebased cache

func to execute
positional args to func
kwargs to func
name of the file inside /etc/makina-states
cache key
if 0: do not use cache

Mangle a registry of activated/unactived states to be run as part of the automatic highstate inclusion.

    'kind': 'foo',
    'bases': ['localsettings'],
    'defaults': {
       'foo': {'active': False},
       'bar': {'active': False},
       'moo': {'active': True}

Will activate the ‘makina-states.controllers.salt_master’ and deactivate all other states to be automaticly run

EG, for automatic activation of firewalld, lookup in Configs for this key (pillar, grains, reg): true true

Idea why for the dict containing ‘active’, i did not choosed a simple boolean is to support other data in the near future.

We return here a registry in the form:

    'kind': 'foo',
    'bases': ['localsettings'],
    'states_pref': '',
    'grains_pref': '',
    'activated': {'salt_master': {'active': True}},
    'unactivated': {
       'foo': {'active': False},
       'bar': {'active': False},
       'moo': {'active': False},
    'defaults': {
       'foo': {'active': False},
       'bar': {'active': False},
       'moo': {'active': False},
       'boo': {'active': True}
mc_states.modules.mc_macros.is_active(registry, name)

Is the queried service active in the registry

mc_states.modules.mc_macros.is_item_active(registry_name, item, default_status=False, grains_pref=None, force=False)

Look in pillar/grains/localconfig for registry activation status


encode in a file using msgpack backend

mc_states.modules.mc_macros.register(kind, slss, data=None, suf='')

Register a/some service(s) in the local registry

mc_states.modules.mc_macros.unregister(kind, slss, data=None, suf='')

Unregister a/some service(s) in the local registry

mc_states.modules.mc_macros.update_local_registry(registry_name, params, registry_format='yaml')

Alias to update_local_registry

mc_states.modules.mc_macros.update_registry_params(registry_name, params, registry_format='yaml')

Update the desired local registry