wrappers to salt shell commands

This is not included in a salt module and isolated to be picklable and used thorough python multiprocessing as a target

The module has redundant functions with the makina-states codebase but the goal is that it is selfcontained and dependency less.


Extract json output from stdout (lines parse variant)

if states garbled the stdout, but we still have a result like:

...command gargage output...
{"local": true}

we will try to remove the starting output and so extract the result from the output


Extract json output from stdout (string parse variant)

if states garbled the stdout, but we still have a result like:

...command gargage output...
{"local": true}

we will try to remove the starting output and so extract the result from the output


To avoid large memory usage, only lazy format errors on demand


To avoid large memory usage, only lazy format errors on demand


To avoid large memory usage, only lazy format errors on demand


Convert any string to UTF-8 ENCODED one